Sunday 31 May 2020

35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

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Teachers are an integral part of today’s learning ecosystem. That is why institutions are going the extra mile to hire the best set of teachers for their school by preparing the best teacher interview questions.

In addition to being qualified with a degree, the school management is now looking for an X factor in the candidates before hiring them. There will be a lot of teacher interview questions that can challenge their confidence, presence of mind and character.

What Are Hiring Managers Looking for When Interviewing Teachers?

Since teachers are the cornerstone of a school, the great concern lies in selecting a teacher for the school. So when hiring teachers, there are a couple of things that hiring managers will look upon.

  • Teaching Skills- It is crucial to know how a teacher teaches, the methods he/she uses in a classroom. Effective teaching should happen when each individual engages and learns from the teaching-learning process. The way a teacher teaches should make every student get actively involved.

  • Data proficiency– Data is incredibly important in the modern education system. Hiring recruiters want teachers to let them know how they used specific data to improve or learn things- whether they focused on each test score or overall class performance statistics.

  • Subject matter expertise– A teacher needs to be knowledgeable. He/she should have in-depth content knowledge. Chances are high to choose a subject expert by recruiters. So be prepared well enough to showcase your subject knowledge.

  • Teamwork– A successful school is a result of good teamwork by teachers, management, staff, students and parents. So a good teacher not only helps a student to succeed but also a school.

  • Patience – Regardless of the age group a teacher is engaged, he/she should have patience. Teachers may face bad experiences from students; still, teachers should be able to redirect them to the right path. Some students may need extra attention and care.

  • Enthusiasm for Job-Teaching is a challenging job and requires a lot of effort. Good teachers have genuine enthusiasm towards the job; they are sure about what they are doing and why they are doing.

  • Flexibility – Education trends change every time. A good teacher must be flexible with these changes. You should not continue teaching in a specific way every year; you should be able to adapt the changes without any frustration.

  • The ability to take feedback- Be positive to the criticism and feedback. Try to improve yourself from the criticism. Take things to improve and ignore the rest.

Salary Of Teacher ( Country Wise)

Sl NOLocationSalary Of Teacher
1UAE$3,500-$5,500 per Month
2Japan$2,200-$5,000 per Month
3Saudi Arabia$3,000-$4,000 per Month
4Kuwait$2,600-$4,000 per Month
5Oman$2,000-$3,500 per Month
6Taiwan$2,000-$2,400 per Month
7South Korea$1,600-$2,000 per Month
8India$ 239 per month
9China$1,500-$2,000 per Month


Some Extra Tips for Nailing Your Teaching Interview

There are certain things you should keep in mind before stepping into your new Principal’s room:

  • Be on time

  • Be prepared

  • Dress formally

  • Have a pitch for your teaching philosophy

  • Be ready to talk about yourself

  • Be ready with a portfolio

So are you looking for ways to clear up the interview that is happening in a while? Here are a few among the top teacher interview questions and the best possible answers that might help you to make the cut.

1. Why do you want to be a Teacher?

The general answers like ‘this are my passion’ or ‘to help society’ are not the expected replies anymore.

They simply want to know whether you are motivated to take up the role. Come up with some personal story or an inspiring story that motivated you to take up this profession.

2. What is your ideology to make teaching more effortless?

It is important to maintain a friendly tone while talking to students. Make sure that students are ready before you start delivering lectures.

Use non-verbal communication like hand signals whenever possible to make interaction interesting. Make sure that sessions are interesting and engaging by including fun elements.

3. What are your strengths and weakness as a teacher?

For strengths, you can include your strong areas like patience, creativity, communication, and social skills and emotional intelligence.

For weakness, bring in some points like the pressure of meeting deadlines or sharing responsibility but present it in a way that indirectly showcases it as your strength.

4. What should a teacher ideally do on their very first day at school?

First of all, it is important to familiarize with the school and their policies. It is a good gesture to meet the colleagues and get relevant advice from senior teachers if any. It is important to stay relaxed and be confident and that is why you should prepare your lesson thoroughly.

5. What is your teaching philosophy?

It is always good to learn the philosophy of the school before you take up the interview. Come up with some interesting replies like satisfying a student’s passion, sharing a tool to a student to make their life easy which is all about delivering structured classes in an unstructured way.

6. What positive changes do you expect from a student you teach over the period?

The prime objective will be to see notable progress in written and oral exams. In the long run, I look forward to seeing some other positive changes in their attitude like ready to learn new things, positive attitude towards novel ideas as well as being actively involved in learning.

7. What is the type of qualities you look for in a principal?

While answering such teacher interview questions, they expect you to be straight forward and they may even use it to test your ideas of school management.

You can list out qualities like good communication at all levels, supportive, having a proper vision, ability to plan and motivate consistency, visibility, and accountability.

8. What are the important characteristics of a good teacher?

A good teacher should learn to be patient and motivate students to do their best. He should be able to develop a healthy relationship with students and everything else follows.

He should maintain a kind personality, be dedicated to teaching, stay updated and make sure to engage students in learning.

9. How do you bring in positivity in the classroom?

It is important to stay pleasant and keep a smile throughout the class and students just become reflections of this positivity in no time.

Make them part of the teaching plans to make them feel important. Enhance intrinsic motivation through reinforcing positive behaviors whenever you see a good in students.

10. What areas should a teacher take care of while dealing with middle school students?

It is not fair to expect a middle school student to work independently always and make sure you don’t embarrass them in any case.

Most importantly, don’t expect them to understand everything you teach on the first chance itself.

11. What would you do to calm down an angry parent?

It is good to listen to him patiently until he cools down rather than making provoking conversations. Make sure that you don’t speak defensive or angry which may spice up the situation.

Try to make him understand the situation once he settles down and in the worst case seek the help of an experienced teacher.

12. What are the responsibilities of a middle school teacher?

You can use this question to make them understand that you are well aware of your role in the school. But you can stay simple by listing out your responsibilities like setting up lessons, conducting and grading tests and tracking and monitoring the performance.

13. What role should social media play in the classroom?

It can be a good platform to share classroom news with parents, remind students about upcoming deadlines or post home works without hassles.

However, it is important to make sure that a certain boundary is set and students are not just using the entertainment side.

14. How would you respond if a student acts disrespectfully to you?

Instead of keeping hatred, try to understand their background and consider their age. Use positive strategies and stay calm instead of responding in the same way.

Don’t take it personally and move on without leaving any stain marks. If it repeats, talk with the parents or discuss it with the school management.

Know More: General Knowledge For Kids(105 Questions and Answers)

15. What will you do next if a lesson does not work well?

An ideal response is to analyze what went wrong and utilize useful resources to get it right.

Simply explain how you work to make content more comprehensive and easy. Be polite by saying that you will be happy to take the advice of experienced teachers.

16. How would you turn parents into teaching partners?

Maintain good communication with the students’ parents right from the beginning and try to involve them in the school activities whenever possible.

Make sure that they are being updated about the progress of the child.

Make them a part of your teaching strategies and seek their help to make a child’s learning comfortable at home.

17. What extracurricular activities can a high school teacher organize to make learning more interesting?

Quiz competitions can be held for the subjects you are handling or even a discussion or debate can do the trick.

Indoor and outdoor games can be made part of the learning to help them stay energized.

Drama and stage performances can be suggested for students of interest and asking them to make a yearbook on the subject can evoke their interest.

18. What are your strategies to learn new things and keep updated?

I usually write down notes when I come across something new while reading and I often listen to discussions and talk shows of subject experts whenever I get time.

I have set up email reminders of good websites so that I stay updated whenever something new in my subject is discussed.

19. What changes will you bring to classroom management structure if hired?

Other than normal lecture methods of teaching, one to one meetings with students will be done to listen to their specific problems. Parents will be involved in any decisions that are to be made on disciplinary grounds.

A set of classroom guidelines will be made which is decided with the cooperation of students.

20. How would you deal with a student who is habitually late?

If it is just once or twice, it is okay to warn them and make clear about the importance of discipline. However, if it repeats, it is good to make a one to one conversation to learn if the student is facing some issues.

You may also talk with their parents to make sure their kids follow the school rules.

21. What skills a middle school teacher can implement to make teaching more effective?

Convey the importance of creating a good classroom ambiance and how peer to peer teaching can help.

You can list out strategies like using storytelling methods, allotting homework smartly and about the significance of providing timely feedback.

22. What do you like best about teaching?

Unlike other careers, it offers a platform to influence a generation of students. I love to make a contribution to changing the mindset and shaping the future of a bunch of students.

Moreover, I will continue to learn more throughout my career and the company of young kids keep me young always.

23. What are the expected duties of a high school teacher in a normal school scenario?

In addition to regular lecture teaching, a high school teacher should spend some time prioritizing teaching methods depending on student interests.

The duties can also involve assessment of student progress, conducting progress reports and sometimes enforcing disciplinary actions and making administrative and budget decisions.

Also Read: Top 17 Best Apps For Teachers and Educators

24. Would you describe yourself as a “team player”?

Yes. I value the importance of working as a team towards a common goal while not forgetting the individual contributions.

It is productive as well as efficient when it comes to complex goals. I have learned to respect others’ views and listen to my teammates while working in a team.

25. List the benefits you expect for students while including extracurricular activities along with studies?

Through such activities, students can learn the importance of time management and prioritizing things in life.

Contributing their part to a win can boost their self-confidence and improve their teamwork and relationship skills.

26. How do you make learning fun for students?

Give attention to student interests before deciding the teaching strategy and offer them choices instead of insisting on any particular tasks.

Include more classroom games and make learning interactive and try to bring in some mystery to your lessons whenever possible.

27. What can you do differently to reduce drop out in middle school?

One to one conversation can be made with students once in a while to understand their problems within and outside the school.

Giving them a good ambiance at school and making them comfortable with learning is important.

Lectures should not only cover subject areas but about how learning outcomes can reflect in their career prospects and help them earn a living.

28. How do you motivate students to learn?

See that a positive learning environment is created and student needs are addressed with proper care.

Make learning fun and be wise with your homework strategies. Be extremely encouraging and give them a feeling that you believe in them.

29. What strategies will you apply to enhance interest among students for the subject like science?

Make students feel that the subject is not a tough one but it is creative, dynamic and fun.

Ask questions to students whenever possible to help arouse curiosity.

Group activities like science fair can be organized once in a while to invoke interest in the subject.

30. How often it is good to set up a meeting with students’ parents?

It is important to make sure that they are tracking students’ progress but it need not be face to face meetings always.

For primary classes, it is good to meet them on a weekly basis through the parents’ newsletter.

Making parents sign on daily progress reports can do the job for 3rd grades and above. It is important to call and talk to parents on disciplinary issues.

31. What all strategies can a teacher apply to handle a weak student?

Have a one to one conversation with students to make them understand their strengths and weakness. The conversation needs to be unbiased and make them feel equally important. Give them a space to express their views and share the difficulties they face and the ultimate aim should be to motivate them.

32. What are the don’ts expected out of a school teacher?

It is not recommended for teachers to be over demanding but understand the student potential before allotting any tasks. It is never advisable to be dominant but maintains a friendly ambience inside the classroom. A teacher should never be partial with students and give low marks on tests just because of personal strife.

33. Can you just share a few effective classroom management styles that can make an impact?

See that the desks, teaching equipment and displays are positioned in a welcoming manner. Develop some rules for a classroom that promote respect, caring and community. Be firm, fair and consistent while making sure that discipline is not compromised. It is important to stay organized inside and out and keep class in order.

34. How do you teach a dull student?

It can be quite challenging but wise strategies can make a difference. This can include creating a lively classroom ambience, asking them to get out of the desk and making them involved in activities, offering varied teaching experiences to avoid boredom, using positive competitions and offering rewards.

35. What do you understand by the concept of co-teaching?

It is an innovative teaching method where teachers share their responsibility with other teachers. It is fun for students to understand the same subject from different teachers who explain it with a different set of examples and thinking.

These are just a few randomly picked up teacher interview questions and answers for different level classes.

There are a lot more teacher interview questions that can be asked by the interview board and it can vary depending on what skills they are looking for in the individual to be part of their institution.

Exclusive Bonus: Top 35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers (PDF)

Just as the saying “Every expert was once a beginner”, every new teacher will not be a veteran in his/her skills. In fact, many of the best qualities of a teacher are developed only after gaining years of experience.

So, undoubtedly there will be an array of questions in an interview to check your level of aptitude which can be developed with knowing more about the teacher interview questions. Besides this, if you have the ability to convince the interviewers with your teaching skills they will hire you for sure

The post 35 Teacher Interview Questions and Answers appeared first on Edsys.